MSS part 2

 1. The way that I understand the difference between a symbol and a sign is that a symbol has no meaning unless the person who is viewing/interpreting it has knowledge on whatever the symbol is, otherwise it is just as deep as the pencil on your table. A sign on the other hand is something that has been established and everyone with common sense could understand the sign, for example the up, down, left, and right arrows,

2. The three elements of the symbolic relationship are symbol, referent, and us (the interpreter).

3. I believe a word is a symbol because unless you're speaking to another human who can comprehend the sounds coming out of your mouth (speak the same language), it's simply just sounds coming out of your mouth.

4. One natural sign that I have seen in the world is that where there is ice or snow, it is 100% going to be cold.

5. One symbol that I've seen in the world is the heart (not the literal heart but the heart that looks nothing like an actual heart) and it stands for love. I knew what it meant because that's how it was explained to me, that weird looking shape on taped onto the wall of my first grade teacher was a heart and it stands for love.


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