The author states that the Bishop has an excess of love and because of this he was perceived as weak and soft by "serious people". The Bishop felt sympathy for people or things that most of society saw as "ugly" or insignificant. He felt pity for the frightful spider and sprained his ankle to let an ant live. His goodness was a result of his life experiences contrary to what is believed which is that his goodness was a natural instinct given to him at birth. Many rumors circulated that as young man he was passionate and maybe even violent. At first glance he was a fine man but if one remained by his side, even for just a few hours, one would discover a great and majestic man who's character simply called for respect.


  1. Though the Bishop's excess of love is seen as weak, I believe it is actually something very strong. The Bishop loves no matter what and that takes strength. I agree with you, if you spent a few hours with the bishop you would discover his character calls for respect. Anyways, your blog is very cool.


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