The bishop's faith in God is unbreakable. In chapter 7 M. Myriel sets out to visit some remote village in the mountains which he hasn't visited in three years and a group of deadly bandits who have been terrorizing villages and towns. The mayor insists that the Bishop be escorted by policemen but he refuses and goes alone. The Bishop arrived safe and remained there for two weeks and when the time came to leave he wanted to chant a Te Deum with the people of the village but the village's cathedral had been robbed by the bandits and they had no episcopal ornaments so they used what they could. That is until a crate was delivered by two horsemen and the crate was the stole items from the cathedral that was previously robbed, the Bishop was confident that this was a doing of God and only strengthened his faith. At the end he is confronted with a rather controversial choice to return the stolen items to the cathedral or to use the money from those items to give to the hospital, it is not revealed to us what he chose but if I was in his shoes I would've given it to the hospital. 


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