Am I entitled to my opinion? From my perspective, yes I am entitled to my opinion and here's why. Everyone has a right to choose their opinion with the simple need for it to be backed by evidence that shows that their opinion is true or valid, that is what Jamie Whyte was getting at. Whyte noticed that in the case where two people with different opinions are having a debate and when one person does not have evidence to support their opinion, that person tends to get offended by the counterargument and pulls the "I am entitled to my opinion" card and clearly declaring that they know they are wrong whether they realize it or not. However, to a certain point you are entitled to your opinion even if you don't have the slightest bit of evidence for that opinion and that point is, as Whyte put it beautifully, "Most of my friends, though subscribing to no familiar religion, claim to believe in a 'superior intelligence' or 'something higher than us'. Yet they will also cheerfully admit the absence of even a shred of evidence. Never mind. There is no cost in error, because the claim is so vague that it has no implications for action (unlike the case of the oncoming car). They just like believing it, perhaps because it would be nice if it were true, or because it helps them get along with their religious parents, or for some other reason." (Jamie Whyte, excerpt from the book Crimes Against Logic).  As long as that opinion that is not backed by evidence is not serious or poses a threat/harm to somebody or something, mentally or physically, there is no need to argue against their opinion or change their mind about it.


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